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Rowandale IntegratedPrimary School, Moira

Love to learn and learn to love

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Board of Governors

The school is managed by a Board of Governors. They have a wealth of experience and expertise and are dedicated to ensuring that Rowandale nurtures a love of learning, shares inclusive values, and achieves the highest possible levels of educational attainment. Within the integrated sector there is a high level of parental representation in management with at least 6 parent representatives on the Board of Governors.


The Board of Governors is made up of 16 members:

  • 6 - Foundation Governors (2 of whom will be parents).
  • 4 - Representatives appointed by the Department of Education.
  • 2 - Assistant teachers elected from the assistant teachers.
  • 4 - Parent Governors elected by parents of children at the school.


The Principal is a non–voting member of the Board of Governors.

The current Board of Governors are:




