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Rowandale IntegratedPrimary School, Moira

Love to learn and learn to love

Get in touch

Contact Details



In the unfortunate event of your child being unwell, you can notify the school office of your child’s absence by one of the following methods:

  • Telephone 
  • Email
  • Written note
  • School Absence Note


You can download a copy of the school absence note here -Absence Note


You may also find the following DENI on attendance useful: Attendance - A Parents Guide


Information on Flu for Parents

Every year the Public Health Agency updates information on flu for schools and parents. Flu normally increases at some stage between December and March. It is impossible to predict how serious flu will be, but it is always important to be prepared. You can visit for further information.


Key Guidelines for Exclusion

Based upon PHA guidance, we adhere to the following exclusion periods depending upon the symptoms and illness.


No Exclusion

  • Head Lice - head-lice-leaflet
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Roseola
  • Slapped Check
  • Threadworms
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth


48 Hours

  • Vomiting – after last symptom
  • Diarrhoea – after last symptom


5 Days from symptoms

  • * Whooping Cough
  • * German Measles
  • * Measles
  • * Mumps
  • Chicken Pox



  • * Scarlet Fever – can return 24 hours after commencing antibiotics
  • Scabies – until fully treated
  • Ringworm – until treatment has started
  • Impetigo – until lesions have crusted over


* Notifiable Diseases

There is a list of notifiable diseases which we have a legal obligation to report to the PHA should a child within our care become infected. Some are named in this leaflet and are shown by a ‘*’ by the relevant illness.
In these cases we work closely with you the parents and the PHA to ensure we follow any additional advice that may be given.
