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Rowandale IntegratedPrimary School, Moira

Love to learn and learn to love

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Pastoral Care

At Rowandale we are a caring community. Our values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. We seek to provide our children with a caring, trusting, open and secure environment in which they enjoy learning and learn to be caring, confident and competent citizens who are willing to contribute to the wider community. Our aim is that every member of the school community feels valued and respected and that each person is treated fairly.


Our children explore issues such as citizenship, celebration of difference, mutual understanding, conflict resolution, respect, inclusion and disability awareness. Our Child Protection, Anti-bullying and Pastoral Care policies are designed to support the way in which all members of the school community interact. The aims of these policies are consistent with and reinforce our ethos.



Playground Rules

Friendship Bench

At Rowandale we have a Friendship Bench in the playground.  All the children know that if they sit on the bench that someone will come over to them and ask them to play.  Sometimes the children just sit on the bench to have a chat with their friends.
